Promoting Special Education & Disability Management
Extension Activities of FDMSE
Seminars and Orientation Programs
Faculty of Disability Management and Special Education (FDMSE), being a premier institute in the field of man power development in special education, is actively engaged in conducting research in special education, training programmes and consultancy. The other academic activities include national and international seminars, symposia, conferences, workshops, Continuous Rehabilitation Education (CRE) programmes, short-term training programmes, setting a forum for scholarly exchange etc. The faculty trains and sensitizes SSA teachers, IEDSS teachers, air force personnel, general educators, doctors, policy makers, planners, police departments, high officials through its in-service training programmes as and when required.
- It organizes pre-service and in-service training programmes for man power development in the field of special education,
- To conduct and promote research in various aspects of special education and allied areas,
- It conducts orientation, refresher and CRE programmes for professional working in the field of education and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities,
- It fosters networking among the institutes and organization having identical aims, and
- It offers guidance and consultancy to professionals and other educational institutes which are planning to initiate their services in the field of special education and disability management.
- Various schools, colleges and institutions in and around Coimbatore visit us to gain general knowledge about disability