Background of the Practice (Implementing NEP 2020)

Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute (RKMVERI) stands at the forefront of innovation and inclusivity in education, aligning its practices with the transformative National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. Dedicated to fostering inclusivity and meeting the diverse needs of individuals with disabilities, RKMVERI has established the Vivekananda Inclusive Sports Complex. This initiative aligns with the principles of NEP 2020 and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act of 2016, emphasizing the creation of inclusive learning environments. RKMVERI acknowledges the existing disparity in addressing the specialized sports and recreational needs of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), despite improvements in physical access at sports facilities nationwide. To bridge this gap, the institution is proactively introducing adapted sports, games, gadgets, and facilities aimed at enhancing the engagement and participation of PwDs in sports activities. These tailored sports programs have proven to be instrumental in enhancing physical and motor skills, boosting life satisfaction, and fostering a positive self-identity among individuals with disabilities. By providing comprehensive training and inclusive sports opportunities, RKMVERI aims to empower PwDs to actively contribute to the national sports landscape.


  1. To transform conventional games into adapted games for individuals with disabilities.
  2. To enhance opportunities for skilled individuals with disabilities to actively engage in sports.
  3. To establish a platform for adapted games training and enable participation in state/national level competitions for individuals with disabilities.
  4. To conduct awareness programs on adapted sports and motor activity training for individuals with disabilities, coaches, parents, and caregivers both on and off-campus.
  5. To provide comprehensive training in adapted games to enable disabled players to competently participate in various competitions.
  6. To empower teacher trainees by familiarizing them with the rules and regulations of adapted sports and games.
  7. To orient and train coaches, players, and athletes with different categories of disabilities on the latest rules of various adapted games.

The Context of the Best Practice

The context emphasizes the rising sedentary lifestyle and prevalence of secondary diseases in India, necessitating lifestyle changes to prevent conditions like diabetes and hypertension, aligning with initiatives such as the ‘Fit India Movement’. Within this backdrop, the importance of offering adapted games for individuals with disabilities is highlighted to provide them with challenging, recreational, and competitive sports experiences. RKMVERI’s best practice acknowledges the significance of adapted games in promoting physical and motor skills development, joy in sports participation, and inclusive sports competition, aligning closely with the principles of the ‘Fit India Movement’. Through annual events catering to various disabilities, RKMVERI aims to empower individuals with disabilities, fostering a healthier lifestyle and promoting inclusivity and sports participation.

The Practice

  1. At the first step, disabled students in special schools and colleges who are willing to participate in sports and games get prepared for taking part in competitions are identified for this training. For this purpose, orientation programs are conducted every year in which physical education professionals of respective institutions participate.
  2. The interested disabled students are then oriented towards various adapted games and sports applicable to them. They further get selected for various games based on prerequisite skills and talent.
  3. This training per rules is conducted for 4 weeks with initial and final assessment of performance of every individual player. Based on outcome of assessment, reinforcement sessions will be conducted for two weeks for those who are willing to improve their performance.
  4. Around 60 teacher trainees of physical education programme are involved in giving this training for around 120 persons with disabilities every year.
  5. The following teaching-learning method suitable to adapted physical education settings is applied during the training:
    • Supervised exercise training is an important issue in developing physical fitness among persons with disabilities.
    • In order to train the persons with disabilities, the individual attention is provided to every player based on the onset and degree of disability, strength, capability and confidence limit of every individual.
    • Fundamental motor skills and sports specific training modules were designed and implemented using principles of sports training namely consistency, progression and overload during the entire training phase.

Evidence of Success

Adapted sports and games are sports that allow participation of all populations with inclusion of assistive devices such as wheelchairs, crutches, specially created chairs, and modified ramp equipment, and so on. The following are the outcomes of participating in adapted games:

  1. Increased muscular strength and endurance
  2. Improved quality of life, including mood and well-being, socialisation, independence enhanced functional capacity and ability to complete activities of daily living
  3. Increased understanding of parents of the disabled regarding the importance of adapted sports and games for their children

Outcomes of the Best Practice

The outcomes of the practice based on the objectives from the perspectives of students, faculty, the community or stakeholders, and the institution as follows:

Students with Disabilities:

  1. Enhanced participation and engagement in adapted sports activities.
  2. Development of essential motor skills and competencies for sports.
  3. Increased self-confidence and self-esteem through active involvement in sports.
  4. Opportunities to showcase skills at state and national-level competitions.
  5. Improved physical fitness, social interaction, and overall well-being.


  1. Skill development in transmuting conventional games into adapted versions.
  2. Empowerment to provide effective training tailored to PwD’s.
  3. Increased knowledge and proficiency in adapted games and sports regulations.
  4. Enhanced ability to create inclusive and supportive learning environments.
  5. Enhanced cognitive and motor sports performance in individuals with disabilities through tailored training prompts faculty to further research and develop adaptive sports programs, supporting scaling and policy advocacy.

Community or Stakeholders (Parents, caregivers, and Paralympic coaches):

  1. Raised awareness about adapted sports and the importance of inclusivity.
  2. Increased support and encouragement for PwD’s participating in sports.
  3. Strengthened community engagement and involvement in promoting adapted games.
  4. Enhanced understanding of the benefits of sports and physical activities for PwD’s.
  5. Improved collaboration between stakeholders for the advancement of adaptive sports programs.

RKMVERI implementing the program:

  1. Establishment of a sustainable adapted games training platform within the institution.
  2. Recognition as a hub for adapted sports training and competitions.
  3. Contribution to the advancement of adapted sports at the state and national levels.
  4. Positive impact on the institution’s reputation and community relations.

Problems Encountered

The following are the problems encountered:

  1. Need for adapted sports equipment for sports training for persons with disability.
  2. Need for transportation for persons with disability to sports arena.

Resources Required

  1. Human resources like qualified physical educationists, physiotherapists, special education teachers, and social workers.
  2. In general, outdoor areas should be safe, accessible, with clean air, and ample protection from the sun and rain.