Anti-Ragging Cell

National Anti-Ragging Helpline

24×7 Toll Free

UGC Monitoring Agency

Centre for Youth (C4Y)

Contact Details of the Nodal Officers of Anti-Ragging Committee and Squad

Anti-Ragging Committee (ARC) || Anti-Ragging Squad (ARS)



The Anti-Ragging Affidavit Form (mandated by UGC)

UGC mandates that every student must fill up the the Anti-Ragging Affidavit Form online every year and submit the Affidavit-id to the University authorities. Visit UGC’s website to know more about the stringent Anti-Ragging laws or request support. You can read the Abstract of UGC Regulations on Ragging.

To get the Anti-Ragging Reference Number read and fill the UGC Anti-Ragging Affidavit Form on UGC’s website (

For Students undertaking –

National Anti-Ragging Helpline No. : 1800-180-5522


Useful information for filling the Anti-Ragging Affidavit:

  • Choose your Educational Institution Type: University
  • University Name: Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute
  • University Director/Vice Chancellor: Swami Sarvottamananda
  • University Phone Number: (+91) 6291060148
  • University Landline Number: (033) 2654-9999
  • For Belur Main Campus:
    • State in which University is based: West Bengal
    • Nearest Police station to your University: Bally Police Station
  • For Narendrapur Off-campus:
    • State in which University is based: West Bengal
    • Nearest Police station to your University: Narendrapur Police Station
  • For Ranchi Off-campus:
    • State in which University is based: Jharkhand
    • Nearest Police station to your University: Bariatu Police Station
  • For Coimbatore Off-campus:
    • State in which University is based: Tamil Nadu
    • Nearest Police station to your University: Periyanaickenpalayam Police Station

Note: Please call the respective Campus Offices / Departments for “Number of students in your class”

RKMVERI’s Anti-Ragging Cell

The Members of the University Anti-Ragging Cell for the academic year 2023-24 are as below. Feel free to reach out to any of the members in case of any issue:

Sl. No.   Name Designation
1 Administrative Heads of the Campuses of RKMVERI or their representatives Swami Atmapriyananda Pro Chancellor and Administrative Head of the University Campus at Belur
2 Swami Garishthananda Administrative Head of the University Campus at Coimbatore
3 Swami Bhaveshananada Administrative Head of the University Campus at Ranchi
4 Swami Shastrajnananda Administrative Head of the University Campus at Narendrapur
5 Deans Prof Sukumar Das Adhikari Dean, School of Mathematical Sciences, Belur Campus
6 Prof. Tapash Dasgupta Dean, School of Agriculture and Rural Development, Narendrapur Campus
7 Dr Raghava Thakur Associate Dean, School of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ranchi Campus
8 Dr. N. Muthaiah Dean and Head of the Department, FDMSE, Coimbatore Campus
9 Heads of various Depts. Dr. Giridharan Head of the Department, GAPEY, Coimbatore Campus
10 Dr. R. Sridhar Head of the Department, Computer Sc, Coimbatore Campus
11 Dr. K. Vinoth Head of the Department, ARTD, Coimbatore Campus
12 Dr. Arunava Sen Gupta Head of the Division, Div. Of Rural and Tribal Development, Ranchi Campus
13 Dr Avijit Kr Dutta Head of the Division, Div of Agriculture, Ranchi Campus
14 Dr. Subrata Banerjee Head of the Department, Biomedical Science and Technology, Narendrapur Campus
15 Dr. P.G. Dhar Chakrabarti Prof School of Environment and Disater Management, Narendrapur Campus
16 Swami Punyeswarananda Head of the Department, Computer Science, Belur Campus
17 Swami Japasiddhananda Head of the Department, Sanskrit, Belur Campus
18 Swami Vidyapradananda Academic Coordinator, Department of Sports Sc and Yoga , Belur Campus
19 Dr. Abhijit Bandyopadhyay Head of the Department, Physics, Belur Campus
20 Dr. Ashish Gupta Head of the Department, Mathematics, Belur Campus
21 Associate/ Asst. Professors Dr. S. Logesh Kumar Asst. Prof., FDMSE, Coimbatore Campus
22 Mr. S. Rajavarman Asst. Prof., GAPEY, Coimbatore Campus
23 Mr. V. Dineshkumar Asst. Prof., Dept. of Computer Science (CBE), Coimbatore Campus
24 Dr Dipankar Chatterjee Asso. Prof., ARTD, Narendrapur Campus
25 Dr. Deep Narayan Mukherjee Asst. Prof., ARTD, Ranchi Campus
26 Anwesha Chattopadhyay Asst. Prof., Department of Physics, Belur Campus
27 Dr. Sudipta Das Asst. Prof., Computer Sc., Belur Campus
28 Shameek Paul Asst Professor, Mathematics
29 Neeraj Kumar Bhargave Asst Professor, Sanskrit
30 Dr. Manohar Kumar Pahan Asst. Prof., Department of Sports Sc and Yoga, Belur Campus
31 Student Representatives from
each of the Campuses
Sanjoy Majhi Student Representative, Belur Campus
32 Ms Suvangini Das Student Representative, Narendrapur Campus
33 Mr. Tnu Ruthish Student Representative, Coimbatore Campus
34 Ms Sucharita Ghosal Student Representative, Ranchi Campus
35 Office of the Registrar Br Bodhi Chaitanya (Dripta) Assistant Registrar and IQAC Co-ordinator

NOTE: Faculty/staff members’ latest contact information (email address / contact number) are available on the faculty pages of their departmental / off-campus websites.

Anti-Ragging Committee (ARC) for Belur Campus of RKMVERI

Sl   Name Designation
1 Administrative Head of the Campus or his representative Swami Atmapriyananda Pro Chancellor and Administrative Head of the University Campus at Belur
2 Dean Prof Sukumar Das Adhikari Dean, School of Mathematical Sciences, Belur Campus
3 Head/Academic Coordinator of the Departments Dr. Abhijit Bandyopadhyay Head of the Department, Physics, Belur Campus
4 Dr. Ashish Gupta Head of the Department, Mathematics, Belur Campus
5 Swami Japasiddhananda Head of the Department, Sanskrit, Belur Campus
6 Swami Punyeswarananda Head of the Department, Computer Science, Belur Campus
8 Swami Vidyapradananda Academic Coordinator, Department of Sports Sc and Yoga , Belur Campus
9 Associate/Asst. Professors across Departments Bobby Ezhuthachan Asst Professor, Physics
10 Joydeep Mukherjee Asst Professor, Computer Science
11 Shameek Paul Asst Professor, Mathematics
12 Rakesh Das Asst Professor, Sanskrit
13 Subhadip Paul Asst Professor, Sports Sc and Yoga
14 Student Representatives across Departments Arijit Sikder Student Representative, Physics
15 Suvajit Patra Student Representative, Computer Science
16 Priyanka Basak Student Representative, Mathematics
17 Saikat Mohanta Student Representative, Sanskrit
18 Sanjoy Majhi Student Representative, Sports Sc and Yoga
19 Chief Hostel Superintendent Swami Shivapurnananda Overall Hostel Superintendent, Belur
20 Police administration Sri Kaushik Banerjee Inspector-in-Charge, Bally Police Station
21 Civil Administration Name to be supplied by the Office of District Magistrate (DM)/ ADM Civil Administration
22 Local Media Sri Kinsuk Basu Journalist, The Telegraph (India)
23 NGO Sri Kallol Ghosh Founder and Director at Organisation for Friends Energies and Resources (OFFER), NGO
24 Professional Counselor Dr Abhay Kumar De Consultant Psychiatrist, Counselor
25 Parent Sri Dipankar Bhattacharjee Parent
26 Parent Sri Pradeep Kr Sahoo Parent
27 Office of the Registrar Br Bodhi Chaitanya (Dripta) Assistant Registrar and IQAC Co-ordinator

Anti-Ragging Squad (ARS) for Belur Campus of RKMVERI

Sl Name Designation
1 Swami Devatwananda Coordinator, Campus Logistitcs and Asst Secretary of University Centre of Ramakrishna Mission
2 Swami Shivapurnananda Chief Hostel Superintendent
3 Dr. Asish Gupta Head of the Department, Mathematics
4 Neeraj Kumar Bhargave Asst. Professor, Sanskrit
5 Br BhaswaraChaitanya (Tamal Maharaj) Asst. Professor, Computer Science
6 Br Manasdeep Asst. Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Science and Technology & Superintendent of Science Hostel
7 Br Rahul Superintendent, Sanskrit Hostel

Hostel Superintendents for Belur Campus of RKMVERI

Sl Name Designation Mobile No. Email
1 Swami Devatwananda Coordinator, Campus Logistics, Asst Secretary of University Centre of Ramakrishna Mission and overseer/supervisor of Girls’ hostels
2 Swami Shivapurnananda Chief Hostel Superintendent
3 Br Manasdeep Asst. Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Science and Technology & Superintendent of Science Hostel
4 Br Rahul Superintendent, Sanskrit Hostel
5 Akshay Panda Asst. Superintendent of Science Hostel
6 Tathagata Roy Asst. Superintendent of Science Hostel


Persons to be contacted in case of any emergency at Belur Campus of RKMVERI

Sl Name Designation Mobile No.
1 Swami Devatwananda Coordinator, Campus Logistitcs and Asst. Secretary of University Centre of Ramakrishna Mission
2 Swami Shivapurnananda Chief Hostel Superintendent, Belur
3 Br BhaswaraChaitanya (Tamal) Asst. Professor, Computer Science
4 Br Manasdeep Superintendent, Science Hostel
5 Br Rahul Superintendent, Sanskrit Hostel
6 Swami Kaleshananda Registrar