
Ensure continuous engagement of every students and faculty in the teaching-learning process during lockdown

The Context

Due to the spread of COVID-19, institutions closed down their physical campuses and began to move students to remote learning

The Practice

  1. Full-fledged online teaching using virtual platform, social sites, recorded lectures etc.
  2. Research through (especially Social Research) ‘Native Researcher’ Model
  3. Developed Mobile App (Vivek Jaivik Krishi) – Consultancy support to farmers and rural entrepreneurs
  4. Multi-mode Evaluation and Assessment of students

Evidence of Success

  1. Participation of each and every student in the virtual session due to the adoption of multiple strategies to reach the unreached.
  2. First time, Faculty centre successfully conducted online examinations of the final year students using online software.
  3. Online system created new opportunity for the slow learners to clarify doubts in 1-on-1 discussions without inhibitions.
  4. Faculty centre successfully continued data collection of three research projects during the lockdown period by following the ‘native researcher’ model.
  5. A team of researcher from the faculty centre also conducted a study on preparedness of the rural Jharkhand to fight pandemic using the same strategy.